The Public Sector Deserves a Better Way to Pentest


A Synack Perspective for the UK Government

The public sector is feeling the squeeze between an increase in cyber attacks and a lack of increased resources to keep up. In a recent survey conducted on behalf of SolarWinds, public sector respondents reported increased concern over ransomware, malware and phishing over the previous year, but time to detection and resolution had not improved for the majority.1 To bolster application security, the UK Government laid out its plans in the 2022 Government Cyber-Security Strategy. The aim was for the UK Government’s critical functions to be significantly hardened against cyber attacks by 2025, with all government organisations across the public sector being resilient to known vulnerabilities and attack methods no later than 2030.

These and other security mandates underscore heightened concerns about cyberattacks on governments, which are escalating due to several factors: an expanded attack surface (e.g., home and mobile workers); adoption of cloud computing; accelerated software development and deployment cadence; and a severe shortage of security professionals. Countering this threat requires a multi-pronged approach, including dedicated and continuous application security testing. Learn how by downloading this white paper.

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